When you launch a maze live, we run one last validation check to make sure that the test doesn't have any unexpected issues that might impact your tester experience. If there is an issue, we will prevent the maze from going live. One such error reads Invalid blocks
and this error occurs when one or more blocks in your maze contain invalid data.
Check for legitimate issues with your blocks
Your first step should be checking to see if any of your blocks have a legitimate error present. Blocks that have a problem will be highlighted in either yellow or red in the block list. If you don't see any highlighted blocks, try refreshing the page in your browser. If you do see blocks that are highlighted in the block list, click into each block and resolve whatever issue is referenced in the error text.
Check for block descriptions that are too long
Sometimes you may run into trouble with a block because the description field exceeds the character limit that applies to Welcome Screen, Thank You Screen, and Mission blocks. If you know you've got longer block descriptions, try shortening them to around 400 characters to see if that makes a difference.
If all else fails, duplicate the affected maze
If there aren't any legitimate block errors highlighted in your maze, then the issue may be the result of hidden, invalid blocks. In that case, duplicating the affected maze, will generally fix any data inconsistencies. Once you've duplicated the affected maze, you should be able to launch the duplicate maze live and delete the original broken one.
Contact support
If you continue to experience this issue even with the duplicated maze, please contact Support and we'd be glad to troubleshoot further.