Setting up SSO in Maze is an entirely self-service process initiated through your Maze team settings. As you go along, you'll get automatic access to the metadata that is relevant to your specific identity provider (IdP).
To get started, follow the steps outlined in this section: Set up SSO for your team
As part of this process, you'll be redirected to our SSO provider, WorkOS, where you'll gather the necessary service provider (SP) metadata to configure your specific IdP. Follow the steps to configure both Maze and your IdP. You'll get automatic access to the metadata needed to configure your specific IdP.
For instance, if you're setting up a generic SAML connection, following the setup steps will provide both the custom ACS URL and SP Metadata links generated for your team specifically. Alternately, if your team is configuring an AD FS connection, you'll be able to download a custom SP metadata file containing the ACS URL, Entity ID, and X.509 Certificate needed to configure AD FS for your team.
The SP metadata needed to configure your IdP is dynamically generated when you initiate the setup process for your team. As a result, it can't be provided in advance, but it'll be readily available as you follow the setup steps.
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If you have any questions or concerns, please let our Support team know — we'll be happy to help!