Delete a session
Deleting an individual session permanently removes all data associated with it—participant details, recordings, transcripts, and learnings.
Here’s how you do it:
- Open the study page.
- On the Session page, open the More options (•••) menu in the top right corner.
- Click Delete session.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Delete a recording
Deleting a recording permanently removes its associated transcript and learnings.
Here’s how you do it:
- Open the study page.
- On the Session page, hover over the media player and click the Delete recording button.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Delete a study
Deleting a study permanently erases all data associated with it—namely summaries, recordings, and transcripts for all participants.
To delete an interview study:
- Next to the study you want to delete, click the More menu (•••) and select Delete from the drop-down.
- To confirm, click the Delete button.