Question blocks are required by default when they're first created. However, you can make questions in your maze optional if the question isn't something you want or need every tester to complete—for instance, if certain questions should automatically be skipped as a part of a conditional logic path.
Letting users skip questions can also be useful when you have a longer maze and want to make sure testers complete it until the end. This will make it easier for them to skip any questions they don't want to answer and improve your completion rate.
What questions can I let testers skip?
These are the questions you can let testers skip:
- Multiple Choice
- Opinion Scale
- Open Question
- Yes/No
Skipping missions
While it's not possible to make mission tasks (i.e. prototype or website tests) optional, testers are able to end the task at any time and continue with the maze. Learn more:
Making your questions optional
To let testers skip a question, you need to make it optional. Here's how you do it:
- Open the maze builder
- Open the question block you want to make optional.
- Toggle the Required switch off.
This will enable a Skip button in the question, and testers will be able to skip the question and move forward in the maze.