Card sorting
Have testers categorize information using Card Sorting
Card sorting allows you to discover how your users categorize and understand information. It's a great way to understand how your users think about the structure of your design. Card sorting is use...
Ranking items using a Card Sort block
Stack ranking exercises give you quantitative data about your tester's preferences, by allowing you to see how your testers order items in a category in terms of relative importance or priority. En...
Running picture sorting exercises with Card Sort blocks
You can attach an image to each card to display to testers during a card sort. This allows your testers to sort pictures, rather than just text, into categories. To create an image sort: Open you...
Previewing a card sort block
Preview your maze Previewing is a great way to ensure your maze flows nicely, and that your users see what you want them to see.Testing your maze beforehand will help ensure you and your team are c...
Using a Card Sort block to gather large amounts of feedback quickly
Matrix tables consist of multiple rating-scale questions (i.e. Likert, semantic differential scales, SUS) that share the same response options (e.g very satisfied to very dissatisfied). They’re gre...
Limiting the number of cards per category
You can limit the number of cards a participant can sort into each category in a closed Card Sort. To add a maximum number of cards to a category: Open a card sort block in a draft maze. Open the...
Open card sorting results
In an open card sort block, testers group cards into categories they create and name. This more flexible approach works well in the early stages of a project, when you're looking to get a more accu...
Closed card sorting results
In a closed card sorting block, testers group cards into categories you've predefined. This method works well at later stages of a project, as it allows you to evaluate whether already established ...
What is the similarity matrix?
The similarity matrix shows the relationship between pairs of cards in a card sort, based on the percentage of participants who sorted any two cards together in the same category. The most closely ...
What is the agreement matrix?
The agreement matrix clusters cards under each category based on their highest agreement rates. The agreement rate is the percentage of users who placed a card in a certain category in a card sort....
What is the agreement rate?
The agreement rate is the percentage of users who placed a card in a certain category in a card sort. Single card agreement rate The single card agreement rate is the percentage of users who decide...