If you're on a paid Maze subscription, you can assign roles and permissions based on team member responsibilities.
Currently, there are 4 available roles for users in a paid Maze team:
- Owner: The sole person who is responsible for the overall Team and can request sensitive actions like upgrading, downgrading, or deleting the team.
- Admin: Users who can help with billing, manage user roles, and use Maze to build tests.
- Editor: Users who can use Maze to build and launch tests.
- Collaborator: Users who are invited to view individual projects but otherwise do not consume a seat in the Team
Learn more about the available roles and permissions
Changing the role of a user
To change a team member's role:
- Hover over Settings () at the bottom left corner of the side navigation, and click Team Settings.
- In the 'Team Info' panel, scroll down to the 'Team members' section.
- To the right of the user's name and email, click the Role dropdown and select the new role.
Changing the owner
At the moment, it is not possible for you to transfer the ownership of a paid team to a different member on your end. If you need to change your team owner, please reach out to our Support team.
Please note that, for security reasons, this change needs to be requested or authorized by the current team owner.