The Variant Comparison block allows you to test and compare multiple design variants. This helps identify the best-performing designs in terms of usability and desirability.
The Variant Comparison block is an exclusive Organization plan feature.
Learn more about the Variant Comparison block
In the Results dashboard, you’ll see a similar structure as in the builder, with the Variant Comparison block encompassing the blocks for each variant.
Side-by-side comparison
It’s possible to compare the results of similar blocks across different variants side-by-side in a single view.
The currently supported blocks are:
- Prototype Test
- Multiple Choice
- Opinion Scale
- Yes/No
- Open Question
To compare blocks directly side-by-side:
- Open the Results dashboard, and select the Variant Comparison block.
- Scroll through the existing charts comparing the different blocks.
You can also select specific variants to analyze. To do so, click the New comparison button and select the blocks you want to compare.
Block-by-block comparison
Other block types don’t support direct side-by-side comparison in the results. These include:
- Live Website Test
- Simple Input
- Tree Test
- Card Sort
For these block types, go through each block within the Variant Comparison to compare the results between them.
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