Variant Comparison with Maze
Broadly speaking, design comparison allows you to test multiple versions of your product. The goal is to identify which one performs best in terms of usability and desirability. With this kind of t...
Collect in-depth answers with Open Questions and AI follow-ups
Open Question blocks allow you to ask in-depth, exploratory questions. Additionally, Team and Organization plan customers can harness the capabilities of GPT-4 and enable AI-generated follow-up que...
Collect closed-ended answers with Yes/No questions
Ask a Yes/No question when you want a closed-ended answer to your question: 'Yes' or 'No'. Participants can indicate their preferences by selecting one answer. With this question type, you can meas...
Survey participants with an Opinion Scale
Use an Opinion Scale to ask participants to evaluate a statement on a rating scale. You can use the Opinion Scale to ask participants to share their opinions and collect data with a customizable sc...
Collect answers with a Multiple Choice question
A Multiple Choice question is a closed-ended question that allows participants to choose from a list of options when answering a question. You can use the Multiple Choice question to get quantitati...
Collect short, direct answers with Simple Inputs
Simple input blocks allow you to ask basic questions to gather short text answers, or numerical, date, or email data. This is ideal when you want to ask simple, direct questions. To add a simple in...
Give instructions with a Context Screen
A Context Screen allows you to add an extra screen to your maze. It’s a simple way to communicate with your testers during their session. This can help you engage your testers and give instructions...
Improve your navigation with Tree Testing
Tree testing allows you to test navigation branches. It's a great way to validate the ease of finding items in your product structure, even before designing.If you're designing from scratch, it mig...
Present an image with a 5-Second Test
A 5-Second test allows you to add a static image to present to your testers. The 5-Second test gauges user recall. It helps you understand what information users take away, and what impressions the...
Legal Blocks
A Legal Block allows you to upload a PDF of the terms to which your participants must agree. If participants don’t click I agree with the terms, they’ll be unable to continue with the test/survey. ...
Qualify participants with custom screening
Get better quality insights fast. The Screener block allows you to qualify or screen out testers directly within your maze, removing the need to filter and clean your results data. Who can use this...
Welcome Screen
The Welcome Screen is the first screen your participants see when they start testing your maze. Every maze includes a Welcome Screen by default. The Welcome Screen presents a message to your tester...
Thank You Screen
All mazes end with a Thank You Screen. This final screen is a good opportunity to thank your participants for their time and feedback, share any parting information, and link to your website or a d...