With a paid Maze subscription, you can assign roles and permissions based on team member responsibilities.
Currently, there are 4 available roles for users in a paid Maze team:
- Owner: The sole person who is responsible for the overall Team and can request sensitive actions like upgrading, downgrading, or deleting the team.
- Admin: Users who can help with billing, manage user roles, and use Maze to build tests.
- Editor: Users who can use Maze to build and launch tests.
- Collaborator: Users who are invited to view individual projects but otherwise do not consume a seat in the Team
Learn how to assign and change roles in your team
As of February 21, 2022, the Collaborator and Editor roles are available exclusively on paid plans.
Available roles
Includes all permissions under the Admin role, plus:
- Upgrade, downgrade, and reactivate subscriptions
- Remove credit card information (this option is only available if the paid subscription is inactive)
- Ask for a team to be deleted
Learn how to assign ownership of the team to a different member
Includes all permissions under the Editor role, plus:
- Add/update and remove members and roles
- Create/delete workspaces
- View/update billing information
- Download invoices
- Purchase credit bundles for hired testers
- Create/delete/view projects
- Create/edit/delete/view mazes
- Create interview studies
- Hire panel testers for an individual maze
- Create and edit themes
- Export results data
- Export report PDF
- View team members
- Add/remove project collaborators
Collaborators have view-only access to individual projects they're explicitly invited to:
- Review and comment blocks in the Build mode
- Copy share link for published mazes
- View-only access to results and reports
Collaborators don't have access to the team space. They can only access specific projects via the Shared with me space. Learn how to invite collaborators to a specific project
Still need help?
If you have any questions or concerns, please let our Support team know — we'll be happy to help!